Practice Starting Soon
Hi Interested Mother Lode Rugby Families, We will not be having touch rugby the weekends of 11/18 or 11/25, please enjoy your break. Regular practices will begin for U10 Coed, U12 Coed, and Middle School boys Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning 11/27/2018 from 6:00-7:30 PM at Christa McAuliffe Park 2400 Merrychase Dr, Cameron Park, CA Middle…
The Game and Rules of Rugby
WHAT IS RUGBY? Rugby is a fun, fast-paced game that anyone can enjoy. Below is an overview, as well as some helpful guides and resources that will help you learn all about this global game. BRIEF HISTORY A student at the Rugby School in England, William Webb Ellis, was playing soccer in 1823 when he…